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December 5th, 2024 - In 1983, philosopher Michel Foucault conveyed this to his students at the University of Berkeley, CA: "In our society, art has become something that relates to objects and not to individuals or life. Could the life of any individual be a work of art?
In "L'Esprit Libre", Lou Andreas-Salomé (1861-1937) wrote: "We are not the authors of our lives". She thus puts her finger on the presupposition of this injunction to make a work of one's life: the desire to ensure at all costs that we are indeed its authors.
After her, for artist Marcel Duchamp (1887-1968), to make one's life a work of art is to deploy an aesthetic of life.
While for Edouard Delruelle (1963), it is an alternative to this post-political individualism, another way of thinking about ethics and the relationship to oneself.
Being the author of your life, following your path, listening to your soul, I think it is simply being in agreement and being happy with yourself and radiating it, sharing it with people close to you and complete strangers. It is living, living consciously on the path to unity!
As Eckhart Tolle wrote so well "The present moment is the playground where life is played. Once you have made peace with the present moment observe what happens, what you can do or choose to do, or rather, what life does in you. The secret of success and happiness can be summed up in 4 words: Be one with life. It is be one with the present moment. At that moment, you realize that it is not you who live your life, it is life that lives you. Life is the dancer and you, the dance."
Make your life a piece of art, what does it mean?
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